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The Year of the Thinking Driver

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:05 pm
by Ed
The Quali-flyer gives us his views on the 2005 season on the eve of the Australian Grand Prix ... read the full article

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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:32 am
by Julian Mayo
I think that the other manufacturers might have backed Ferrari into a corner re 2008. Ferrari could look a tad silly in a one make F1,strongly supported by?
Webber, Schuey, and DC are the" thinkingest" drivers out there, re round black things and the circuit variations(some suit the Bridgestone, some the michelin) will be a big factor, as will the weather (wet, wet/dry, heat etc) I think that Schuey is the main chance :cry: , given the stability of the whole team. Speed alone is not going to win this year. A string of third places for any one driver could be enough to win! :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:54 pm
by Graham Ross
I think you are underestimating the manufacturers. Bernie will eventually get it wrong and it may be this time.
I hope a deal is done as a split isn't good but it shouldn't and won't be on Ferrari terms

And you are overestimating the reds, they weren't the cars to beat this weekend and it wasn't due to those round black things :wink: The blue and yellow team looks like the team to beat and the black and silver isn't too far off.