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NewsOnF1 Blogs

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 7:50 pm
by Tim
I've been wanting to setup a blog for a while now but it seems that I never had the time for it. It was only until I had a nasty experience with a well known VOIP S/W company that I decided to make my experience with them public as it seems that many companies nowadays just completely ignore their customers and because they are so big they think individuals just don't matter to them. That is why I want to utilise the power of the internet to make people aware and make the companies aware of their own bad policies and hopefully make them change.

So I have setup NewsOnF1 Blogs where I will be posting my views on different topics (including F1 of course). I would also use this opportunity to invite all the regular members on this forum to also contribute to the blog and have their opinions known as well. Anyone interested can just drop me a PM and I'll setup a username and a section for them on the blog