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Wear sunscreen

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:24 am
by rah
Hi Folks,

Some of you may have noticed that I have not been posting as much as usual. Well it may be the overwhelming effects of alcohol but I would like to tell you why. And please realise that Tennesee's finest is helping me with this post.

Dan was my brother. He was to be 34 years old this year. On the 10th of May, after a good year of putting in his finest effort he lost his battle with melanoma. He always loved a good tan. Unfortunately, it stopped him from seeing his kids grow up.

Three years a go I started pestering him about a mole he had on his neck. He eventually saw a doctor and had it removed after it started bleeding.

After a while he had 27 stitches across his neck trying to remove the cancer. It was not enough. He got the bad news last year and it went downhill from there. From his neck it spread through his lymph nodes to the rest of his body. Despite experimental treatments and conventional treatment the cancer was too agressive and it reduced my brother to a shadow of what i remember him as.

I remember my brother as someone who could lift me one armed, not someone who needs help to go to the toilet. That is how this disease attacks the victim as well as the family.

To the end Dan fought in the hope of seeing his daughter be born as a healthy baby girl. Unfortunately he did not quite make it and Dakota was born a healthy baby girl 3 weeks after he passed away.

I truly hope that no person goes through what I have, unfortunately people go though worse every day.

Tonight I ask nothing more than you give your loved one a hug. I knew it was bad when my brother stopped shaking my hand, and started hugging me. He knew what the future held and every hug was sacred. I would give almost everything I have to hug my brother just once more.

Thanks for your time and please do wear sunscreen. Such a small thing can make a difference to your life.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:26 am
by Tim
Thanks rah for having the courage to share your experience with us.

We hope that you never have to go through that experience again and may Dan rest in peace.

And please everyone please use sunscreen and please make sure your loved ones use it as well.

The cancer council states: Each year, over 374,000 Australians are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer and almost 360 Australians die. Over 8,800 Australians are diagnosed with melanoma, and almost 1000 people die.

Also: Everyone, regardless of skin colour, is at risk of skin cancer. In Australia, sunburn can occur in as little as 15 minutes on a fine Janurary day

more facts about skin cancer

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:25 pm
by Kapel
Dear Rah,I'm really sorry what happened to Dan & may he rest in peace.

May God be with you & your family through these troubled times & give you'll the strength to sail through this.

Thank you Rah, for sharing this information & hopefully the message you're trying to convey would be well received & conveyed.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:18 pm
by Julian Mayo
Mate, tho' he was a close friend, and not as close as a brother,a companion and mentor, and one of our countries best blokes died the same agonising death, a couple of years ago. He left behind two fine sons.
My thoughts are with you.
If I may, I will share in your grief.
Take care of you n yours, Rah.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:49 pm
by jacfan
Rah I am sorry for the lateness of my response but mere words cannot express my sorrow at hearing of your loss.
:cry: :cry: