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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:16 pm
by Julian Mayo
AVESCO, in its infinite wisdom announced to the teams and all sundry that at each of the rounds featuring three sprint races, the 2nd race will be run in reverse grid from the results of race 1. The grid for race three will be determined by the aggregate points score from the 1st 2 races.
During the subsequent uproar, which continues unabated, phrases such as "millions of dollars of damage over the season" and "each team will need to prepare 4 cars" were flung around.


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:34 am
by rah
Bloddy stupid idea. I don't mind watching it once or twice a season (was fun to watch in Canberra), but to see it in that many races is just absurd. If V8's keep on going with this it will cease to be a sport and become more like entertainment.

We need to reward people who win races not people who sit in the middle of the pack.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:25 am
by cmlean
Reverse grids are usually interesting but, when the field is so close in time, untold carnage will happen. Spectators will think it wonderful, racing purists will cringe, team owners will be broke.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:59 pm
by Southernman
I don't like the idea of reverse grids. I can see an average driver wanting to be a hero, taking out one of the big name drivers.

It's up to new drivers to prove on merit that they belong at the front of the grid.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:11 pm
by Southernman
I've heard a rumour that the reverse grids could be stopped before the end of the year. Teams were upset with the amount of damage done last week. Can someone please confirm are deny the rumour.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:24 pm
by Julian Mayo
Prior to last weekends reverse grid race there was a rumour circulating that some team bosses were calling for a meeting. This rumour was promoted by CH10..
Since the stockar smash-em derby, sorry, reverse grid race, there has been a deathly silence which makes me think there is some discrete but forceful converation occuring behind the scenes. Nothing official in the V8 newsletter I have just rcvd.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:55 pm
by Southernman
Thanks Julian.

I watched the second race and thought I was watching a demolition derby. How many times are drivers allowed to bump the driver in front. :shock:

PS: What has happened to the race reports. :?: Now that I have confidence that my computer won't crash, :oops: I'm able to give you my views again. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:03 pm
by Julian Mayo
Southernman wrote:Thanks Julian.

I watched the second race and thought I was watching a demolition derby. How many times are drivers allowed to bump the driver in front. :shock:

PS: What has happened to the race reports. :?: Now that I have confidence that my computer won't crash, :oops: I'm able to give you my views again. :D
I, being a single dad with 3 kids, have not been able to contribute as I would like. I have even missed races :cry:
Normal service will resume after Hidden Valley, if not before. :lol:
I welcome any and all contributions now and forever after :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:25 pm
by lemon_martini2
I think that should be clarified to racing contributions. The Mayo clan does not need any more additional members so you can think again about foisting your brats on to him.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:25 am
by Julian Mayo
lemon_martini2 wrote:I think that should be clarified to racing contributions. The Mayo clan does not need any more additional members so you can think again about foisting your brats on to him.
Not so Lem, the dawgs have a healthy appetite 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:33 am
by Julian Mayo
OK, to clarify the situation a off the presses this mornings issue of "Autoaction" contains a segment that states "Teams want reverse grid review".
It seems the majority of teams feel that the reverse grid races have not improved the spectacle enough to warrant the extra bills they are facing.
Officially V8SA are saying nothing will change for this year.........saying "a sport that is run on popular opinion from the pit lane has a limited future. The decision was made on due process".
However I hear whispers that tracks which are hard to overtake on are under review. I for one believe that a reverse grid race at Surfers Paradise will be redflagged every time..
Certainly there is unrest, and I don;t think this is going to go away.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:36 am
by rah
The sooner it goes the better. It is a sport that is entertaining. Not an entertainment that once resembled a sport.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:48 am
by Julian Mayo
rah wrote:The sooner it goes the better. It is a sport that is entertaining. Not an entertainment that once resembled a sport.
have a look at the "2007 post " on this forum" :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:43 pm
by Julian Mayo
The reverse grid issue will be on the agenda at a V8SCA meeting on July 7.
I expect reverse grid races will be quietly dropped from "hard to overtake
tracks Surfers. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:52 am
by Julian Mayo
The Organisers have dropped Reverse grids for Surfers, Tassie, Bahrain, and Phillip Island 8)